We need your help
The biggest change for us is going to be the loss of CaPC’s greatest resource. Few realize how hard Richard Clark worked to run this publication every day. Answering emails, responding to pitches, speaking to sponsors, making partnerships, hiring writers, managing editors, dealing with controversy, fixing technical problems, imagining new projects, Richard Clark was the heart of CaPC. Most of Richard’s duties will now be picked up by Tyler Glodjo, but the task is daunting. To be frank, in order to keep Christ and Pop Culture operating at its current level and to even begin moving towards the resource for the Church and witness to the world that we’d like to be, we are going to need a lot more support.
Over the last few weeks we’ve seen an outpouring of support from CaPC readers who have become members or increased their monthly membership. Surprising all of us, we are 70% of the way to our first funding goal of $2,240 per month! We are very close to meeting this goal that will allow us to devote some of the time we need to write insightful and discerning articles, to edit and cultivate our writers, and to be a winsome and honest voice in our culture. Without financial support, it is difficult for us to justify to our families the resources we pour into the site.
If just 75 more people became Christ and Pop Culture Members at $10 a month, we would meet our goal. Your support means that we can continue to put out thoughtful, edifying, winsome articles about the world we all participate in.
But we also need your help with our renewed vision for Christ and Pop Culture. It’s time for us to take stock, to evaluate what we are doing right and where we have failed, where we have overly covered a topic and where we need more coverage, where we have edified you and where we have not. To be clear, it is not our intention to merely cater to our readers’ desires. We have long run under the belief that some desires need to be fulfilled in our readers and others need to be cultivated. But we do want to know how we can better serve you, so we are asking all of our readers to participate in this survey. Casual readers, CaPC Members, those frustrated at us, and those in love with us. If you’ve ever been annoyed, pleased, angry, chastised, blessed, or bewildered by Christ and Pop Culture, help us mature!
Take the five minute survey here!
A Renewed Vision
Moving forward, you can expect the same essential vision that has always driven our site:
- Commitment to orthodox evangelical Christianity
- Careful Christian cultural analysis
- Rhetoric that builds up while telling the truth
- Rich, edited, curated articles from wise believers
Tyler and I believe in Christ and Pop Culture. We believe that the site has become a valuable resource for the church, edifying believers by modeling how to participate in culture to the glory of God.If just 75 more people became Christ and Pop Culture Members at $10 a month, we would meet our goal. In a world increasingly overwhelmed with cultural artifacts and technology, we have sought to be a source of encouragement and a place of dialogue. We also believe that CaPC has become a meaningful witness to the world of what the Christian faith looks like applied to our culture. How does thinking Christianly about music or politics or organic food help us interpret the world?—these are the kinds of questions we wrestle with daily.
We are excited about the future of Christ and Pop Culture. The overwhelming support we’ve received by readers gives us confidence to keep working late nights and early mornings. Our presence at Calvin’s Festival of Faith and Music in March and The Gospel Coalition conference in April will bring new opportunities for us to share our vision. The Christ and Pop Culture Podcast Network will give us new possibilities for partnerships and sponsorships (consider advertising with us!). Our partnerships with publishers, authors, musicians, and artists through our Creator Spotlight will continue to give readers incentives to support our site. It’s a good time to be a part of CaPC.